Tole Écaillée

  • Fabruary 2020

  • ENSAG_Construction Workshop S4

  • Topic: Mock-up alluminium foil structure

  • Collaborators:

    Aljanat Agayeva, Clémentine Egger, Enzo Favero, Soufiane Terrab, Bastien Villebrun, Mateo Vinois

• Sketching - hand drawing, mock-up

• Research to manifacture the elements

• Phisical modelling 1:1 scale

• Aluminum cutting and bending machines

• Team work

• Photos final presentation

This practical workshop is part of the atmospheric immersion class for the second year of bachelor degree. The aim of the studio is to create a physical structure using aluminum sheets.The subject was to build a structure made in a mesh made out of scales used to divide two spaces.

The aluminum sheets are coloured on one side, many color shades were available although we finally decided to use monochromatic tints.

Most of the work is done at the «Grands Ateliers», a big structure that hosts a construction workshop for students from architecture school. For the design of the scales, it is necessary to consider the constraints of the cutting and bending machines and the tools available to us. We got the opportunity to experiment with our elements to create the perfect combination between production efficiency, doability and appearance.

We designed 6 different types of scales because it creates a correct fluid transition without complexifying the production process. The flaked envelope is fixed on a framework of crossed metal bars to form a homogeneous mesh.


Scalo Farini Masterplan


Thermes ND. de Vaulx